Does Legalization Increase Cannabis Use in Teens?

does legalization increase cannabis use in teens?

Teens Are Not More Likely To Use Cannabis After Legalization, Study Finds.

But it did change how they perceived cannabis in their social circles and family life. A study in Massachusetts investigated the link between adolescents' perception of cannabis use by parents, siblings, and friends, and their own cannabis use. 

Published in the Clinical Therapeutics Journal, this research delved into the perceptions and habits of high school students, unveiling surprising revelations post-legalization.

Contrary to expectations, the study revealed that the prevalence of marijuana use among adolescents remained unchanged after legalization. However, there was a noteworthy shift in perceptions, particularly regarding parental cannabis consumption.

While the percentage of students actually using cannabis remained steady, more teens started perceiving their parents as cannabis users after the policy change.

Analyzing data collected from two high schools in eastern Massachusetts in 2016 and 2018, the study compared pre- and post-legalization periods. Surprisingly, there was no statistically significant increase in teen marijuana use post-legalization. Nonetheless, there was a slight decrease in the number of students who believed their parents refrained from using marijuana, indicating a change in perception rather than behaviour.

The study highlighted the influence of social circles on adolescent behaviour. Teens who perceived their close connections—be it friends or family members—using marijuana were more likely to engage in its consumption themselves. This emphasis on peer influence underscored the need for targeted prevention and intervention strategies among youths perceiving such behaviour in their social networks.

Legalization in Canada Created Safeguards to Protect Youth from Cannabis. 

Legalization aimed to improve public health by regulating cannabis and keeping it out of the hands of youth. Health Canada implemented age restrictions, product safeguards and emphasized public outreach and education to keep youth safe as legalization came to fruition.

Was it effective? It's too soon to definitely tell. the impact of cannabis legalization in Canada on teen use. Studies are complex and still being conducted, in general:

  • Overall Prevalence: Some studies haven't found a significant change in overall teen cannabis use rates after legalization.
  • Initiation Rates: However, some studies suggest an increase in cannabis initiation among youth aged 15-18.
  • Age of Minimum Purchase: Interestingly, a study in Quebec found a decrease in use among 18-20-year-olds after the minimum legal age was raised from 18 to 21, highlighting the potential role of age restrictions.

These findings challenge popular assumptions about the impact of legalization on youth, urging a closer examination of social perceptions and behaviour. Ultimately, the study from Massachusetts and corroborative research suggest a nuanced relationship between legalization and teenage marijuana use—one that doesn't necessarily result in increased consumption among adolescents.

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