RAW Rolling Papers aids cannabis businesses with a massive donation to JUSTÜS Foundation

Evan Doherty
RAW Rolling Papers aids cannabis businesses with a massive donation to JUSTÜS Foundation

RAW Rolling Papers (BBK/HBI), an independent international brand of top rolling papers and smoking accessories, has donated $100,000 to the JUSTÜS Foundation

The recent announcement reveals the brand will contribute to JUSTÜS, a 501c3 non-profit organization that helps legacy cannabis operators transition into the legal cannabis market. The RAW Seeds Fellowships program aims to help those involved in the cannabis industry before legalization navigate the new legal market. 


The Justüs Foundation • RAW Giving


THE RAW Seeds Fellowship grants are awarded to three legacy operators negatively impacted by the justice system’s cannabis law. Eligibility criteria must be met to receive a grant. A Legacy Operator is defined as “An individual who commercialized Cannabis for the majority of their income, or sacramentally or ceremonially distributed Cannabis, outside of the legal framework, during the period of prohibition, predating legalization by five years.” 

Three grants of $20,000 will be awarded to each operator to start a legal cannabis business. 

“We take great pride in supporting and empowering the pioneers who laid the foundation of this industry,” said RAW’s founder, Josh Kesselman. “As the industry undergoes a significant transformation, emerging from the shadows and embracing legality, it is crucial that those who built it from the ground up are the beneficiaries, along with the communities they come from. While major companies are rushing to take advantage of new laws legalizing cannabis, we need to support the small entrepreneurs who are the true lifeblood of this industry.”

Email Address for RAW Founder Josh Kesselman Instagram Influencer Profile -  Contact @rawkandroll


Additionally, the program offers smaller grants of up to $15,000 to multiple legacy operators. It allows them to launch legal cannabis businesses or to start a career in the legal cannabis industry. 

The grant application period begins on August 1st. Businesses eligible for the RAW Seeds fellowship grant can find more information at www.RAWJUSTUS.com. The application deadline is on August 31st.

It is up to businesses that receive these grants to keep the joint rolling. When these businesses succeed in the cannabis industry, they are encouraged to make similar donations to support the legal cannabis industry further.

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