Infused Coconut Oil VS Weed Butter:

Miss Daisy
Infused Coconut Oil VS Weed Butter:

Smoking is not the only way to get high.

As you know edibles have been on the market for some time now. But gummies and cookies are just the beginning of the indulgence of a savory dish that also takes you on a trip.

Cooking with cannabis has evolved into an art form, with infused mediums like coconut oil and weed butter adding a flavorful twist to traditional recipes. This practice is starting to expand all over the world and is becoming a tourist stop on many destinations. However choosing between these two culinary companions can be a deliciously perplexing task. The main question being which one is really better?

Infused Coconut Oil: A Versatile Delight


  • Flavour Flexibility: Infused coconut oil's mild flavour is like a chameleon, adapting seamlessly to a wide array of dishes. From sautéed veggies to baked goods, coconut oil won't overpower the original taste, ensuring your culinary masterpieces shine through.
  • Nutrient-Packed MCTs: Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) in coconut oil offer potential health benefits, including improved metabolism and energy levels. You're not just creating edibles; you're crafting nourishing treats.
  • Dietary Inclusivity: Infused coconut oil embraces all dietary preferences, making it a perfect choice for vegans, the lactose-intolerant, and those seeking a plant-based lifestyle.
  • High Heat Hero: Its high smoke point makes infused coconut oil a champion in the kitchen, allowing you to cook at higher temperatures without losing the potency of those precious cannabinoids.
  • Extended Shelf Life: Properly stored, infused coconut oil can stay fresh for an extended period, ready to transform any dish into a cannabis-infused delight.


  • Mild Coconut Flavor: While most dishes welcome coconut's subtle undertones, some might find its presence distracting in certain recipes.

Weed Butter (Cannabutter): A Classic 


  • Decadent Flavour: Weed butter is the ultimate indulgence for those seeking that classic, rich buttery taste. Think of your favourite baked goods, now elevated to heavenly heights.
  • Seamless Substitution: Countless traditional recipes call for butter, making weed butter an effortless substitute that seamlessly integrates cannabis into time-honored favorite's.
  • Textural Magic: Solidifying when chilled, weed butter's texture is a boon for recipes requiring a firm base or spreadable consistency.


  • Dairy Dilemma: Weed butter's dairy origin might pose a challenge for vegans and individuals with lactose sensitivities.
  • Temperature Temperance: Its lower smoke point necessitates cooking at lower temperatures, guarding against cannabinoid degradation.
  • Saturated Fat Content: Weed butter boasts a higher saturated fat content compared to coconut oil, impacting dietary choices.

It’s all up to you.

So in the end it all comes down to you and what you're feeling for. 

The selection isn't about which is superior; it's about aligning your choice with your culinary aspirations. Whether you're looking to make a cannabis-infused rack of ribs or baking up some dreamy brownies that uplift your senses, both infused coconut oil and weed butter add their special touch to elevate your kitchen into a cannabis-infused haven.

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