Jeremy Bouvet

Weed culture has progressed leaps in bounds over the years, and especially within the last decade.

People who would have called the fuzz on you for roasting a doobie in the back alley just five years ago are now gobbling down edibles and vaping concentrates like it’s going out of style. Furthermore, the technological advancements and ingenuity of THC consumption is hard to keep up with, even for experienced smokers like myself. Maybe I’m just an “ol' head” and maybe I’m out of touch, but some of these marijuana trends, both new and old, are overhyped as fuck.


Now I know this one is going to upset some people — well, a lot of people — and I’m not saying that I don’t personally enjoy some 30% - 40% plus THC plant from time to time, but the common high levels of THC in marijuana today can be overbearing. Maybe I’m just not “hip” or “with it” anymore, but it seems as though the majority of weed you find at stores is either really high in THC, or really high in CBD, with happy mediums few and far between. We used to pass a few blunts around the circle to get everybody high, and now people pull up with half gram pre-rolls that last two and a half rotations, and then everyone is higher then they’ve ever been in their lives. I’m not complaining, but smoking weed isn’t always about getting completely nuked into oblivion. Sometimes it’s nice to just catch a vibe and relax. Also, the legal marijuana industry has been under great scrutiny over the last year or so with allegations that the THC percentages displayed on packaging is not reflective of the true THC levels that the cannabis or product actually possesses. So even though those numbers look exciting, you never really know what you’re getting.

High-THC Cannabis: Risks, Benefits, and Strains


Speaking of not knowing exactly what you’re getting and ruining good faith in customers, RAW Rolling Papers are incredibly popular, but have faced intense scrutiny as of late. As far as most people know, RAW rolling papers are made from natural plants, which means that every product is free of burn additives. Also, RAW papers are unrefined, unbleached, and are free of chalk, dyes, and genetically modified compounds. However, back in February, it came to everyone’s attention that RAW papers may also contain harmful metals, sweet. In fact, this may actually be a problem in all rolling papers, and experts suggest switching to a glass pipe or water device for a healthier smoke.


While on the topic of good old glass pipes, a lot of the modern devices people use to smoke out of are seem intimidating or are just outright obnoxious. Bongs and volcano vape bags are where I personally fell off. Zongs, dab pens, glass blunts, self-cleaning pipes, it’s all too outlandish for this simple kind of man. I probably sound like your typical “old man shaking fist at cloud” right now, but back in the early 2000s and 2010s, we used to break out the pop cans and the apples and those would do us just fine. I understand that technology advances and fads come and go, but we still drink liquor from glass bottles, don’t we? Some things just aren’t meant to be improved upon and a lot of these modern devices and conveniences take the fun out of blazing with your friends. Nothing funny has ever happened in the vape section, and nobody’s telling funny stories in the circle anymore, and I can’t imagine what that would even sound like today. “So I hit my dab pen, and then Julian was like ‘Let me hit your pen bro’, then I was like ‘Bro, you totally just hit your pen’, and then we totally switched dab pens, and we both had Pineapple Cotton Candy flavor. It was wild.” Lame.

Puffco Peak Pro – Great White North VC


For those unfamiliar with Moon Rocks as they pertain to cannabis, they’re essentially putting a hat on a hat… on another hat. Moon Rocks are made by taking a nug of weed and dipping it in or spraying it with concentrate, or hash oil. They’re utterly redundant and are usually made with Girl Scout Cookies — the weed, not the mints — but can be made with any strain one desires. The coated nug is then rolled in kief, and is a complete desecration and slap in the face of the flower itself and whoever grew it. If higher THC quantities is what you want, just buy better weed. In fact, you could just take a bunch of dabs or something. Choose one or the other, just stop messing with perfectly fine weed that me and mine would accept and smoke as is.

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