REVIEW: General Admission Taster Pack

Graphic of Kindling's review of General Admission's Taster Pack



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Here is our consumer-focused review of General Admission's Taster Pack. We break down each component, from potency to taste, to help you make an informed decision about trying this taster pack.



3 x 0.5 Gram Pre-Rolls

Pre-rolled joints in the General Admission Taster Pack



Grapey Grape, Watermelon Splash, Lykke Lychee





Package Date

 July 20, 2023




Grapey Grape: 33.93%

Watermelon Splash: 37.69%

Lykke Lychee: 38.29%



All less than 1%


Total Terpenes




Aroma & Flavour

All of them taste and smell like their name, but almost too much? It’s super articifical, but if thats your thing then you’ll love this. Its seriously like candy. If you hate the taste of weed, go with these. 



The high on all of these were super similar, hard, fast, and long lasting. While some other reviewers on reddit say they experience different highs from the taster pack, we found them to be pretty much the same across the board. If you feel like getting absolutely blasted, smoke these.



Roll isn't bad, not great though. Super loose by the filter, could be pushed in a bit to made tighter. Airflow was solid which is what really matters.



Salt and paper ash, closer to the darker side. Could be due to the kief and the distillate though.


Smoking Experience 

We must say, the smoke on this is pretty smooth. You may think the distillate and all the kief could make it harsh, but it really wasnt bad. If anything all of that extra stuff made it last longer.


In Summary: General Admission's Taster Pack Review

Distillate infused pre-rolls definitely aren't everyone's thing, but we had to give these a go because of their popularity. These seem to be one of the most popular products in the province, and we understand why.

With legal cannabis still being relatively new, it makes sense why new consumers would want to try great tasting products like this. It kind of doesn't even feel like your smoking weed because of how artificial the taste is, and gets you way more stoned than the average pre roll.


If you like the sound of General Admission's Taster Pack - why not try it out yourself.


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1 comment

This shit sucked. I hated how everything in the pack tasted like fucking lychee. Not wasting money on this again


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