The Joy Of Citrus Strains

Naima Karp
The Joy Of Citrus Strains

Have you ever smoked a strain and gotten a burst of lemon, grapefruit or lime flavors? Chances are, that strain is high in limonene, a terpene that’s responsible for citrusy smells and flavors in strains. Terpenes are essential oils that naturally occur in plants, fruits and veggies, and limonene is an oil that occurs naturally in the peels of citrus fruits.

Limonene: Effects, Flavours, and Cannabis Strains

Limonene, or D-limonene, is a common terpene that is prevalent in many cannabis strains.

Terpenes are fragrant oils in plants, including cannabis, that give them their unique tastes and smells. Limonene, in particular, adds a lemony flavour to food and drink, and imparts a lemony scent to perfumes and cleaning products. In nature, limonene helps plants repel insects.

Aromas Associated with Limonene

As its name suggests, cannabis strains high in limonene have aromas reminiscent of lemons and limes. Citrus fruits like lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruits, as well as rosemary and juniper, are rich in limonene.

Each cannabis strain contains multiple terpenes that interact to create a complex aroma profile.

Reported Effects of Limonene

The specific effects of consuming limonene-centric cannabis strains remain scientifically unproven. However, some studies on mice and humans have explored the effects of citrus oil, which contains limonene. These studies suggest citrus oil may have a calming effect in mice, while some human participants exposed to lemon essential oil reported an elevated mood.

Research on cannabis and its effects is ongoing, and more information on terpenes like limonene will become available over time. It is important to balance any perceived benefits of limonene with the potential negative effects of cannabis consumption.

While there's insufficient evidence to link limonene content in cannabis to specific effects, you can use a strain’s terpene profile to choose based on your preferred aroma or taste.



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