Your Guide to Road Tripping with Weed

Devlyn Spencer
Your Guide to Road Tripping with Weed

Summer weather is here, the best conditions to kick back with some toke on the road.

The optimal chance at getting some well-spent driving is among us, fuel up, circle check your vehicle and grab your gas. 

Here are some hot commodities that’ll elevate your experience with cannabis on the journey! 

Stay within your limits 

First thing’s first, you’ll be disappointed and in trouble if you show up to the border with cannabis in any form. Sorry, you’re not allowed to travel anywhere outside of Canada with cannabis, it is illegal. Although traveling within Canada is safe as long as you are the required minimum legal age of possession in which province or territory you are in. If you are ever using cannabis, do not drive. 

Cannabis and the border: what pot-smoking Canadians need to know | CBC News

Storage & Stash 

No matter how you sesh, it’s always nice to know where your necessities are. Personally, I started keeping my rolling papers, grinder and weed in an old pencil case from school. There's innovation all over the market with how you can store your grass and goods and the StashLogix Small Silverton is a qualified choice. Keeping your goods in the trunk of your vehicle and away from accessibility is mandatory and with an accessorizing unit such as the Small Silverton, it makes your cannabis goods odor-free, lockable and easy to pop out at your convenience.

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Accessories & Smoke Devices

When it comes to getting your high, we all have our own preferences of methods to use cannabis. It’s always great having variety, leaving options open and not getting stuck with just one way of using. Pipes have always been a classic for a quick toke, making it easy to throw together in a matter of seconds to get a smoke in. There’s all sorts of Bongs & Pipes, coming in different materials making it so you have options to have break-free devices, or the smoothest hits, there’s lots of size differences too! All these pipes vary from metal, silicone, glass and wood. 


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Edibles – tagged "Chocolate" – Kindling

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Whether you’re caught up not wanting to put the effort into smoking, you want more of a potent high or to be controlling of your dosage, Edibles are your best friend. The choices are endless with eating your cannabis, being there’s candies, chocolates, syrups, sauces and more! CBD edibles are great for the times between taking THC and plus, these make for some great munchies themselves, just be careful.   

Just the wheel and all four

Besides all the great benefits you can do to accommodate your smoke out, make sure you’ve got your favourite tunes downloaded, any podcasts you’re keeping up with and maybe a season of that show you’ve been watching. The number 1 partner with weed is the seed of hunger, pack up on food and snacks, any BBQ’s or cooking devices will come into use and you’ll be happy you have it.  That road is a long way to get there but it’s about the journey there and how you could possibly make it better for yourself and others. 

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