Why You Need to Try Cannabis Yoga

Miss Daisy
Why You Need to Try Cannabis Yoga

Cannabis Yoga: Enhancing your Yoga practice with some TLC, I mean THC.

Weed in general can already be a trip after taking that first pull, but imagine incorporating those feelings of calm and relaxation with yoga and meditation. Now I know everyone is different but it all comes down to what strain you smoke and how comfortable you are in your space. People do yoga or meditate for various reasons, for some it is about the release of stress and anxiety and for others it’s about gaining flexibility and strength within the body.

As a yogi that does yoga and meditates multiple times a week, I recently started to incorporate a spiff before I started my practice. Here is how it went and what I've learned so far from others in the community. 

Intentions Matter on and off the mat

Intention is everything when you are enhancing your yoga experience, because you are high it is important that you remain grounded in your practice. Use something that will keep you grounded such as music, a quiet space, maybe light some incense to help set the mood of calm around you.

Breathe through it all

Breathing techniques are extremely important as you are moving from posture to posture. Inviting more air into your lungs using breathing techniques helps heighten your senses even more. As you breathe your movements will feel almost oceanic as if you are a wave in the ocean, you will move with more intention and move more mindfully through the practice. I found that because everything is so heightened you are more connected to your body.

Finding the right Strain

Strains that are high in CBD content are also good for muscle memory within the body. Professional studies show us a lot, but because all of our bodies move differently it's ultimately up to which stain you like best. The goal is to tap into your best self during your practice to help release tension and calm the nerves. I have found that an indica strain may be better for some as it helps with pain relief and inflammation. Overall, picking the right loud is like picking the right song to listen to. Sometimes it's best to stick to what works best for you especially if you are trying it for the first time. But here are 2 strains that I have found works best: Pink Cookies by Big Bag O’ Buds is an OG favourite, it is an indica that gives off a mint and sweet cherry aroma. I would also recommend Lemonade by Medellin which is very potent and is a part of Kindlings euphoric effects selection. 

Is it for you?

You know yourself better than anyone knows you. If you're looking to enhance your meditation or yoga practice I would definitely consider giving it a try. Just remember to be mindful and intentional with yourself and the space you are in.
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