Former Governor Jesse Ventura Delivers a Powerful Testimony for Cannabis Legalization in Minnesota

Shane Fame Alexander
Former Governor Jesse Ventura Delivers a Powerful Testimony for Cannabis Legalization in Minnesota

The former Minnesota governor is wrestling to get weed legalized in Minnesota. Jesse Ventura wants cannabis legislated in Minnesota. The ex-WWE superstar & Actor shared passionately an emotional story of how cannabis has affected him and his wife.

“Our life was over”

"She was seizing two to three times a week and these were the type of seizures where you can't do anything but comfort the person, make sure they’re breathing, make sure they're not swallowing their tongue. Everything like that. Our life was over. We went to the doctor. They put her on four different seizure medicines. The first one did not work. The first two did not work. The third one did not work. The fourth one did not work. All had bad side effects. In desperation, we broke the law and drove to Colorado. I have friends there that I met in my home in Mexico and when we got there. My wife seized the hotel the night before we got there. When we arrived there, our friends went in and they had the ability to buy Cannabis. Three drops under the tongue. My wife took the first three drops under the tongue and has not had a seizure since. “ (1:14 - 2:21)

Ventura put his wife before the law.

Ventura admitted that he put his wife before Minnesota law by having to send for weed from Colorado. This is when he knew that the law was wrong. When the state legalized medical marijuana, Terry Ventura qualified instantly, however, it cost them $600 USD a month to keep the seizures at bay. While the cost has since lessened by a few hundred dollars, it’s still too expensive. If they were in Colorado, Ventura revealed, the cost would be $50.00 USD a month. Ventura pleaded to pass legislation that would legalize cannabis. "If you open up the doors, capitalism will take hold. Prices will go down. I don't want any other family to have to go through what my family went through. I don't want anyone to have to do that," he said.
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