Health Canada is currently in the process of reviewing and updating the Cannabis Act, with revisions expected to take effect by the beginning of 2024. The health agency’s suggested Forward Regulatory Plan 2023-2025 includes references to proposing amendments to the Cannabis Regulations relating to flavours in cannabis extracts.
The proposed amendments would restrict the production, sale, promotion, packaging, and labeling of inhaled cannabis extracts with a certain flavour, other than the flavour of cannabis.
So basically, the same way that the Canadian government came after flavoured cigars, cigarillos, and even menthol cigarettes a handful of years ago, they’re also coming after flavoured THC extracts and products. Presumably, this notion would eventually bleed over into edibles as well, with many products being parodies of popular candies and snacks.
We survived once already when they tried to lump flavoured rolling papers in with the aforementioned movement against flavoured tobacco products, so I’m sure we’ll come out on the other side of this one with a victory as well, but I digress. The idea is that any form of flavoured products are marketed, or at least geared, more towards the youth, I guess. It’s weird because adults have taste buds and are allowed to have fun, colorful and flavourful treats too, folks.
Health Canada suggests that these amendments should be put in place to protect public and health safety, and in particular, young persons.
The proposed restrictions would align with the proposed Tobacco and Vaping Products Act (Flavours) and the proposed Standards for Vaping Products’ Sensory Attributes Regulations.
The Enabling Act could potentially impact licensed processors, medical sales holders, consumers, and provincially or territorially authorized retailers and businesses. The health agency stated, “Responsible usage and keeping cannabis away from children is a commitment in the 2019 Mandate Letter.” On a personal note, I find it odd that cannabis products, especially edibles and concentrates, have been treated more like tobacco products rather than alcohol products in the first place.
Their reasoning is that restricting flavours in inhaled cannabis extracts would make these products less appealing to youth, which would help address the rapid rise in young people vaping. This would ultimately generate incremental costs for affected stakeholders, licensed processors, and federally licensed sellers of cannabis, as well as authorized distributors and retailers. The costs are estimated to be $397.19 million over 10 years, or $56.55 annually, and small businesses are not expected to be impacted too heavily. Although, you and I both know that is never truly the case.
In addition, Health Canada could also implement measures to ensure the safety of cannabis extracts.
These could include setting standards for the production of extracts, as well as requiring manufacturers to use methods such as distillation and testing for contaminants. This would ensure that consumers are able to access quality, safe extracts. Overall, the “Enabling Act” could be extremely beneficial. It would provide consumers with more flavourful extracts and create a safer and more regulated environment for producers. By implementing stricter packaging safety measures, Health Canada could potentially also be able to ensure that cannabis extracts remain safe and of the highest quality.