A preliminary report by a government-appointed panel of experts analyzing Canada's adult-use legalization law paints a bleak picture of the nation's cannabis industry, revealing significant bankruptcies, racial disparities, and unpaid business taxes. The report, issued five years after the landmark 2018 Cannabis Act, is part of a "what we heard" report that summarizes the five-member panel's meetings with hundreds of stakeholders, executives, and health experts. The report highlights that despite the growth of the legal cannabis market, companies across the supply chain are struggling to realize profits and maintain financial viability. The next phase of the panel's work includes preparing a final report for the country's federal health and addictions ministers, which is expected to include an assessment of the 2018 law and recommendations to address some of the issues raised in the initial report. The final report is expected to be completed by March 2024. The 2018 Cannabis Act mandated the formal review to examine the law's impact on public health, consumption patterns, and Indigenous communities. The report also highlights concerns about the limited engagement with the federal government during the development of the Act and its regulations, as well as the lack of meaningful consultations with Indigenous people before the adult-use law was completed.
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