How to be a productive pothead

Shane Fame Alexander
How to be a productive pothead


 Being a productive pothead

 Aftermind said blamed it on getting high. This stoner stereotype was started by anti-weed propaganda to make potheads unproductive, couch-locked, and lazy. They won't tell you, however, that the majority of marijuana strains won't render you incapable of working. Instead, marijuana can be a useful tool for getting things done and staying on top of things. 

 As more people incorporate cannabis use into their daily routines, society's perception of marijuana is evolving. It can still be difficult to function as a normal member of society while high. I can’t confirm or deny that I’m high right now, but I will be productive by sharing a few tips on how to stay productive while getting lifted. 

 Avoid Sabotage


Self-sabotage happens way more frequently than you might imagine and is a significant productivity killer. It will be difficult if you set yourself up for success if you don't give yourself a suitable environment for working. Turning off the ringer on your phone, working at a desk (rather than on the couch or in bed), dressing for success, and implementing all the other suggestions on the list, such as making a to-do list and maintaining a healthy diet, are a few examples of ways to stop self-sabotage and improve your environment.   

Search out for successful stoners who inspire you and put in the same amount of effort. 

The five people you spend the most time with define you on average. Being friends with a lot of lazy people will make you lazy, and being friends with a lot of hardworking people will make you hard-working. Therefore, if you can find 5 hardworking stoners and become friends with them, you will probably end up being the sixth hardworking stoner. One of the quickest ways to become a useful pothead is to observe how they do it and adopt their mannerisms. The best part is that you will naturally start to adopt their mannerisms without even realizing it

Make realistic objectives 


 The idea that if you can’t jump, you won’t fly is a common one, but the truth is that when you aim too high, you'll give up and accomplish even less than you would have if you had set realistic goals. A to-do list with 20 items on it will make you feel overwhelmed, and you might be more inclined to work slowly or take breaks. In contrast, if you only have five tasks to complete, you will feel optimistic about your ability to complete them, and it will seem reasonable to try and do so.

 Eat right and work out 

 A productive lifestyle depends on having a healthy one. When you're tired or finding it difficult to exercise, it's difficult to be productive. Make sure to eat a fruitful amount of fruits and veggies to fuel your day with natural sugars and if you can, try working out occasionally; this will also give you more energy. Exercising and staying active will help you think clearly and finish your work. Even when high, you can exercise. Keep it moving as much as you can. 

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