Limonene Explained

Evan Doherty
what is limonene? photo of citrus fruits

Limonene is a terpene that gives cannabis plants citrusy and zesty aromas and tastes. It’s the second most common terpene found in nature.

All cannabis products have distinct aromas, flavours, and potential effects. Along side cannabinoids that are responsible for the potency of cannabis, terpene profiles are what give cannabis cultivars their distinct scents and taste. 

What is limonene?

Limonene is a naturally occurring aromatic compound found in citrus fruits like lemons, limes and oranges. In cannabis, limonene is responsible for tangy, zesty aromas and sour flavours.

what is limonene? image of lemons


Limonene provides cannabis with refreshing tart qualities so it's no surprise that it's a go-to when looking for a pick-me-up. Select limonene dominant strains when searching for the motivation to clean the house or to unwind after a long day. 

Entourage Effect

According to a 2020 study from the National Library of Medicine, limonene has the potential to work as an anti-inflammatory. While more research is needed, some studies suggest that citrus oil (which contains limonene) may provide a calming effect or elevated mood. 


Sweet like an orange or zesty as a lemon, limonene is one of the strongest and easily identifiable terpenes found in nature. It’s the second most common terpene after myrcene, which is why it’s also used in cannabis products and different types of soaps.


One of the aspects that set limonene apart is its distinct flavour profile. You probably recognize the taste of limonene as it’s almost everywhere. From cannabis strains to lemonade, it’s simple to distinguish this terpene. In fact, the name limonene is a reference to an instantly recognizable fruit. It comes from the French word “limon” which means lemon.


learn about terpenes, the aromatic compounds that give cannabis its distinct scent

There’s more to know…

There's still lots to learn about limonene. As research advances we hope to know more about how the effects of limonene. In the meantime, you can still enjoy the signature citrus terpene profile of limonene because it's simply delicious and commonly found in strains like Sour Kush, Lemon Linx, and more.

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