More news has come out on the
RAW Papers lawsuit that we wrote about last week. Turns out there is more to the story than we thought.
Josh Kesselman, Raw Papers Founder
RAW’s Founder Josh Kesslman Finally Speaks
Click here to read the statement. This is huge news and has completely challenged the narrative that we've seen over the past few weeks. Some of the world's largest news agencies reported on the lawsuit, sharing the exact same information that we did. If what RAW is saying is true, then this might just be one of the wildest stories in the cannabis industry. Definitely top 3 craziest rolling paper industry stories, if that was ever a thing before this.
To clear everything up, let's go through the claims RAW denied in their release.
RAW was accused of not actually having a charity,
this is true because they're a company that donates a portion of profits, not a charity. Still, they have donated millions to social claims. RAW was said to not use hemp in their papers, but RAW says
this isn't true and they do use unbleached hemp. RAW Papers were claimed to not be made in Spain, but RAW stays strong on their claims that
this isn't true BUT they're milled in France before being sent over to Spain to be put through a “special process”. This also makes things
unclear on the claim that RAW papers are unrefined, the language used by RAW in this response doesn't exactly clear this up.
RAW put down some heavy claims in this response.
A big takeaway from this response is the charity work RAW is being accused of never actually doing, but they say they've helped raise and donate over 3 million dollars to charities such as YMCA, Senai International, Arizona Colaiton To End Sexual and Domestic Violence, and Trees For The Future. The clear-up on this from RAWS's end is that
they're not a charity,
they donate portions of profits rather than raising money solely alone; Whereas they help other charities raise money through their platforms. To avoid any future confusion, they say they'll be working on being more clear in their communications.
RAW Giving
While the
RAW papers lawsuit has just come to the mainstream media, it's been ongoing for 7 years. And according to RAW, it's been completed with the Jury awarding them around a million dollars due to a competitor's (wink,
OCB, wink) willful infringement of RAW copyright. But, RAW also made it clear that
they in-fact have been ordered by the jury to make changes to their packaging and marketing and they apologized for any possible confusion they've caused for their supporters.